Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!
A miracle is another name for an effort -choi min hoo
View ArticleDo you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance...
I kick everyone out and close the door and dance as much as i want :v grey's anatomy songs makes me go crazy
View ArticleWhat countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?
Korea ♥ and seattle ♡♡
View ArticleWhich famous person from the past would you most like to meet?
Can't it be from the present like patrick dempsey maybe xD
View ArticleIf you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it...
How to save a life -the fray ♡
View Articleel wa7ed lazm y2fl exam m3 mr sa3id wla anti shaifa aih xD (by faisal_fasol)
Y2fl men bs nflt bs mn el redo w el7amdullah awii xD
View ArticleWhat makes you nervous?
Going through something for the first time and not knowing what will happen
View Articleana nsh 3arf 2lme el chem b2ali 4 days msh 3arf anil 7aga f ai 7aga ana 7kfr...
Ana lsa mgtsh gmbha w wraya million 7aga tania w msh 3arfa a3ml eh w zh2t mn om el mdrsa kman .. rbna m3ana😂😂
View Articleana 3ndi exam math w physics w el chem w quiz arabic w exam english -.- na...
rob3 el sana 3dt wana mlmtsh ay 7aga w fkdt aml f tb 5las.
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